Confinement Kit



If you can't make it through the first hour of an emergency, the next 71 are going to be irrelevant.

This compact emergency kit is great value and could be a lifesaver whenever a building's structure is damaged (by fire, earthquakes, etc.). It contains essential tools to survive the first few minutes of an emergency, especially where you might not have immediate access to your main survival or first-aid kit.

The carefully chosen contents provide light to see what you are doing, let you deal with urgent first-aid requirements, protect your airway from dust and give you shelter from the elements if you need to get outside without adequate clothing. It also has water to flush eyes, mouth and wounds, gloves to help you move debris without further injury, and a whistle to signal your presence to rescuers - especially important if you are trapped or have to stay in place, but need to call for assistance.


  • Emergency whistle
  • Glow stick
  • Water pouch
  • Emergency poncho
  • Dust mask
  • Work gloves
  • Mini first aid kit

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