Online Confined Space Course - FAQs
If you have any questions about the Alert First Aid confined space awareness course you should find the answer here. If you have a question that's not answered here, please give us a call at (250) 595-5323 or 1-866-282-5378 and we'll be happy to answer it for you immediately.
Who needs Confined Space Awareness Training?
Anyone working in or around an area of the workplace designated as a Confined Space should be trained at the awareness level. The employer has the duty to ensure that the confined space awareness training is adequate to protect the health and safety of the workers who work in or around the confined space.
Those who actually perform the Hazard Assessment, create the Confined Space Entry program, enter or attend a Confined Space, or supervise and entry will require further training.
Some provinces, such as Ontario require an annual review of the confined space training program.
What constitutes a Confined Space?
The legal definition of a confined space varies slightly according to provincial regulations. These are summarized by the CCOHS (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety) as an enclosed or partially enclosed space that:
Confined spaces can be below or above ground. Confined spaces can be found inalmost any workplace. A confined space, despite its name, is not necessarily small. Examples of confined spaces include silos, vats,hoppers, utility vaults, tanks, sewers, pipes, access shafts, truck or rail tank cars, aircraft wings. Ditches and trenches may also be a confined space when access or egress is limited. More information can be found here.
How do I go about entering a Confined Space?
Confined Spaces can be very dangerous places unless proper procedures are followed prior to entry. These procedures may call for the use of Lockout and Tagout processes and procedures. A full set of Confined Space policies, procedures and entry permits must be completed before safe entry is permitted.
What is a Confined Space Entry Program?
Every workplace that has one or more areas that fall within the definition of a Confined Space must prepare a written program that identifies all confined spaces and then for each space create a written hazardassessment, a plan and procedure for entering, an entry permit and a plan for rescuing workers from the Confined Space.
What is a Confined Space Entry Permit?
A Confined Space Entry Permit is a written document provided by the employer to allow and control entry into a confined space. Minimum contents are as follows:
What about Fall Arrest in Confined Spaces?
Confined space entry systems are a category of equipment designed to retrieve the wearer if he or she is incapacitated inside a confined space. They consist of a full-body harness attached at the shoulders to a lifeline. The lifeline itself is attached to a winch, usually on a tripod to allow attendants to rescue the worker should he or she become incapacitated.
How often must workers be trained in Confined space entry?
Alert First Aid recommends a maximum of 2 years. Confined spaces can be very dangerous and we have observed poor safety behaviour in even the most experienced workers. A periodic reminder of safety practices is a wise precautionfor due diligence purposes.
Where can I find the Confined Space regulations that apply in my province?
These are provided for you to review in the Alert First Aid Confined Space Awareness Course. There is a brief overview of all requirements on the Confined Space Provincial requirements page.
What training records must be retained for Confined Space training?
Employers are required to retain written records of employee education to ensure proof of compliance with the Regulations. The Alert First Aid Learning Management System provides a Certificate upon successful completion of our Confined Space program and maintains records on our computer to prove due diligence.
How long will it take me to complete the Confined Space training course?
Between 1-2 hours.
What do I do if I forget my password?
Give us a call or drop us a email.
Can I leave the course open in the background while I do other work?
Yes, no problem.
What do I do if I run out of time? Do I have to complete in 1 session?
You can take the Confined Space course in as many sessions, and as long as you like. The system will just time you out if there is no activity for a while, but you can just log in again and continue the course from where you left off.
What happens if I don't pass the final test?
You are allowed to repeat any or all sections of the course as many times as you need. You can take the final test up to 3 times to achieve the passing grade of 80%.
Once I have completed the course, do I get a certificate proving I have completed a Confined Space training course?
Yes the administrator can print a training certificate once you pass the final test.
What happens if I fail, do I have to pay again?
Not at all. You are allowed to take the final test 3 times.
What if I lose my proof of training certificate or wallet card?
The training administrator can reprint the wallet card or Confined Space training certificate for you.
How can I pay for the course?
You can pay online or give us a call we take Visa or Mastercard over the phone.